Solutions to a Healthy Scalp

supplements for healthy hair

A healthy scalp- now what does that mean? Well to sum it up a healthy scalp = healthy hair!

When your scalp is thriving your hair is thriving and who doesn’t like bouncy, luscious, smooth hair?!? I know I do!

Here are solutions to a healthy scalp::

  • Be sure to use hair products that do not affect your pH balance (check out the blog post about pH balance), meaning nothing harsh that has alcohol, sodium hydroxide or parabens. The scalp is your skin, just like you read ingredients for lotions and body washes the same should be done for your hair products!

  • Eat your protein- did you know that 20% of protein intake is used to replace the skin! Hair follicles are made up predominantly of keratin protein. A low intake of protein can lead to thin brittle hair and slow hair growth as the body lacks amino acids to replace healthy hair. Lastly, when not enough protein is being consumed the body prioritizes other body function such as muscle function, energy and hormones which then leaves behind hair growth.

  • Maintain that blood circulation! This ensures a steady supply of blood to your hair follicles that ensures a longer anlagen phase (active growing phase). You can do this yourself by giving yourself a head massages for 5 minutes at least once a week.

  • Omega 3 and Vitamin D supplements. Omega-3 provides essential proteins and nutrients to hair follicles and skin. Vitamin D stimulates new and old hair follicles - not enough Vitamin D can stunt hair growth and has been linked to alopecia.

  • Keep a clean scalp. That means washing your hair at least 2 -3 times a week. If you have extensions, making sure you deep wash your hair once a week, rinsing the shampoo fully and doing a hair mask with either coconut oil, olive oil. Lastly, after a day of many hair products/dry shampoo washing your hair right after is a must!

Try this for 3 months and see the results! Nothing rewarding comes fast so be patient and hey book a hair wash with me to help with your hair goals! ellxi hair spa not only focuses on your hair but your scalp also! Our hair and scalp spa will allow you to get that bouncy, shiny hair you have always wanted!

Love ~ your hair and scalp spa expert


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What is pH Balance Anyway?